Customer Service Applications

We discovered that we do something many other companies do not do. If you desire, we support the applications we build. Our customers regularly call us with questions and needs. We are happy to support them -- it is the way we would expect to be treated if the relationship was reversed.

As we began talking to people, we eventually learned that our attitude toward customer support is unusual -- in fact, hard to find. Here we are!

In addition to supporting the technical side of our customers' applications, we make sure that their business offices can easily retrieve important information about invoices and accounts. Customers may use our time and billing application to review invoices and work in progress.

Time and Billing

This application allows our developers to keep detailed records regarding their development and billing activities. It also serves as a mechanism for clients to report bugs and send messages to the appropriate developers regarding their project.

Because Time and Billing is integrated with our invoice generation service, clients can see how much time is allocated to each feature request or bug fix. It also allows customers to keep track of all communication regarding the project via a threaded, searchable list of all messages posted about the application.

Use the login form on the top right of this page to access this application.


Sat September 14, 2024 10:10 PM

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